I've been living on the run since 2006 to be with the woman I love
What You Didn’t Know About Me and Canada
What You Didn’t Know About Me and Canada

What You Didn’t Know About Me and Canada

  • Before getting together with Meg, I never considered moving to Canada.

  • I never wanted to be a refugee in Canada or anywhere else, never considered myself a victim. Meg was told this was our only option to get me to her country considering our circumstances.

  • I didn’t sail to Canada, I sailed to Meg’s home. Once we lost it, there was nothing holding us there. Not a single person, not a single asset.

  • I never wanted to be a Canadian. I wanted Canada’s passport to have freedom of movement. Meg felt the same. Once I had the passport, the dream was to travel the world.

  • If Meg and I knew what we do today about Canadian government and it’s immigration system, we would have never considered bringing me to Canada.

  • The Canadian brand invalidates my and Meg’s experience with Canada. In everyone’s view, Canada is a utopia-country. What possible reasons can we have for not wanting to be there?

  • Meg holding a Canadian passport is our only connection to Canada today.