Elena's Cabin

I've been living on the run since 2006 to be with the woman I love
Elena's Cabin

Elena's Cabin

I've been living on the run since 2006 to be with the woman I love

Hi, I am Elena

So, you heard of my story and came to find more inspiration? That’s good. But I have a surprise for you. My and Meg’s story didn’t just wrap up nicely with us arriving to the illustrious Canada. The voyage never ended. Why? No way I can explain it in one sentence. Take a look around, read or watch what I say. It’s all there. But in short, life is achingly finite and way too valuable to spend it letting others wipe their feet on you. So, here Meg and I are, being true to ourselves and looking for the place that we would love/tolerate and ultimately want to stay. The absolute dream is to find people we belong with.


My escape from Russia in a nutshell

Have you ever imagined that one day, the only way for you to live your life would be to get onto a sailboat and take off for the wild blue yonder? Leaving behind everything you have ever known. Scary? Tempting? This is what I did; knowing nothing about the sea or how to sail. Seventeen years later, I am still at it. It turns out, there is no place on land for you, if you want to be free and treated with dignity. Yet, what an adventure!

Channeling my inner Russian mobster

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